Catarina, 26 anos
"Simplesmente adorei, comecei este ano focada em mim e nada me deixa mais feliz, quero agradecer te André por me conseguires trazer a motivação que há 1 ano buscava e não encontrava! Ainda não cheguei ao objetivo mas estou pronta para continuar e só parar quando lá chegar!"
Bruno, 41 anos
"Achei a planificação super interessante. Não permitia que eu deixasse de cumprir com a minha obrigação de treinos. Todos as explicações de treinos e movimentos foram e são de extrema relevância. Andre, sou mesmo grato pela experiência! Seguimos juntos!"
I only publish results from my students who authorize the use of their photographs.

Definition of Buttocks and Fat Loss
This athlete lost more than x kg, eliminated
general fat and toned the body.

Achieved a 6pack
João lost 9 kilos and reached the % fat mass he wanted in 90 days.
"Impressive that with your methodology and planning we were able to achieve the objective:- Reduce weight;- Reach 12% fat mass;- And much better physically and mentally. I confess that sometimes it is difficult to train every day, waking up early, staying focused, resisting unwanted foods and foods, but with consistency and discipline anything is possible."

Post childbirth
Catarina became a mother a year ago and decided to focus on 100% health, physical and aesthetic well-being. This is another true inspiration, because when we feel good about ourselves we can make everything around us more successful, because we are more confident, athletic and have more energy for all the challenges of our daily lives. This evolution lasted just 60 days.

Achieved a 6PACK
Ricardo lost 8 kilos, and despite having had some injuries during this journey, we were always able to maintain daily training, adapting to limitations, which led us to consistency and thus to this incredible transformation. What is important in a short-term process is a 100% dedication, in which trust in planning and carrying it out without fear is the key. This is the proof that you can achieve that shape for your vacation or special event in 90 days. This is proof that despite having achieved a 6 pack we will continue to fight because this journey is much more than what we see in the mirror.